Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Truth: The AMA's

I was watching the AMA's the other night and it wasn't anything special. You Know, just another award show. It had its ups, its downs, its good and bad performances so on and so forth. J.Lo bust her ass during her performance of her newest single, Lady Gaga had another creative and crazy performance that involved her busting glass bottles off a piano while playing and a costume that looks like it was inspired after watching a Alien vs Predator movie (the little baby aliens that suck your face off). Alicia and Jay-Z had a good performance together and then later Miss Keys rocked the house on her own, Eminem went in in front of a live band that I thought was great but wished Drake would of came out and did his verse when "Forever" came on. All that was fine and well but my reason for this post is something that happened outside the show. My man Chris Brown was also watching the AMA's with the rest of us and he had a couple of his boys over. Now before I go any further know that I like Chris Brown and I am a definite fan of what he is doing with music and dance but the truth is the truth. So back to what I was saying, Chris was watching and during the event Jay-Z won the AMA award for Favorite Male Hip - Hop Artist. When Jay received the award he made a quote from his Album the Blueprint 3 saying "Men lie, Women lie but numbers don't". Being on Twitter and watching the AMA'a and to my other Twiggas it seemed as if Chris tweeted in response to that comment by Jay. Chris Brown's first tweet after the Big Homie spoke was "cornball". Lets be real people we all know the past Chris and Jay have involving Rihanna and award shows. I mean the shit ain't a secret.
Of course he deleted it as soon as he posted it because he knew he had messed up and didn't want any backlash for his hasty high school statement. But it was too late we all saw it and he knew it. He goes on to say, he was referring to one of his boys that where over his house and they where freestyling and what he said was wack and he called him a cornball. Now people we all know how twitter works if your talking about someone in a joking manner you would @thiername and then say your remark for example "cornball", but if you were trying to send some subliminal shit you don't put the @ symbol and you just say what you want. Im here to identify the truth guys thats all. If your man enough to say something then be man enough to stand by it and take the consequences for your words. Thats it. I need to pay attention in class so I'm out. BoyWonder


1 comment:

  1. BRAVO! i love this blog tis my fav. mine sucks shit...
