Saturday, October 10, 2015

I Wonder

I wonder what would happen If we all came together
If we flew like a skein or flocked like the feathers
I wonder what would happen
If unity was contagious
If we endeared each others differences
and study each others faces
Not as races
But as art in motion as
The Designer set us out to be
If I said once I said it twice
Lucy, she has it out for me
Me is you, you is us
She 'd love to drop us from a balcony
So stop flexing off the perfection
That is an antiquated alchemy

I wonder what would happen
If we focused on things that held strong
Like telling your brother "Ill be there"
Rather than texting your sister "hold on"

I wonder what would happen
If the old trusted the young
If we would ignite a child's mind
rather than curbing their tongue
I wonder

I wonder why we must attend dens
That charge you and me and fee
When the power is in the people
And the community is free
I wonder

I wonder
But we would rather sharecrop our dream
And buy into a scheme
That leaves those we don't see
Interjecting the philosophy of CREAM

WU-TANG couldn't of said it better
But the truth always been found in that red letter
Manual Shift
66 chambers and cannons
Life and how to handle it
Jars of Clay
Scrolls and documented manuscripts

I wonder if you know that all of you are on a blacklist
And the difference between
You and Yaweh in a palace
Has nothing to do with whether
You know Elijah was John the Baptist

I wonder if you know that in his house
There is a place for you
Where your short coming have been blotted out
And mistakes erasable

I wonder what would happen
If we operated without fear
If when lifes lights shone brightest
We weren't stagnant as deer
I wonder
My peers I wonder

I wonder if you know
That God doesn't bless you through a TV or a phone
Its days in his word
And nights with your knees on his throne

I wonder when good will come unattached from a promotion ride
I wonder when radical change will take the place of an emotional high
You see an emotional peak is something that happens between the sheets
And worship is the fathers so we shouldn't fiend for the release

I wonder

I wonder if the elders know
In their hands they can influence or crush a soul
Time is wasted on "Did you know"
Or the tunics that they chose
Because before you or El Roi
Can forget time and bask in his glory
The ONE who see all
Has to reveal the veil on your origin story

I wonder what the reel will look like from the casket to birth
I have read about a story in a book that states
The last shall be first.

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