Hearing the news that Lamar Odom is brain dead, passed away or close to death is sad to hear. But. Most of us who knew of Lamar when he was winning championships with the Lakers in 09', or knew him at Rhode Island in college knew something like this was bound to happen. None of us outside the Kardashian bubble wanted him to be involved with any of the bullshit thst goes along with that but like a good mother or best friend we stood by waiting for him to come out of it. The Kardashians used him up. Idc who you are, when there is nothing inside to give and yet people are still taking and expecting the outcome is never good. Now, I am not saying they caused all of this or that they are to blame. What I am saying is that an inner city kid with no mother, a drug dependant father, someone with obvious behavior and mental inabilities was again set up to fail. America as always just capitalizes on the faulty foundation. It might go further. As the highlights of this Black Male Sports Figure plays off in my head I am forced to connect his demise and the current race debate we are having. When I say debate you would think it would be a simple conversation but its not. In fact racial equality is such a complicated talk that no one wants to speaks the same language. But thats not what I wanted to remark about.
What I wanted to analogize was this: The Kardashians are the system running this nation and Lamar Odom is the Black people, culture and its variants. Brain dead, Keep the body strong, take the mind. Its not white vs black. I can guarantee, even if they were the staunchest racist, that no one you know is in that 1%. America the beautiful is dying. America the business is about to reveal herself.
"Hence, both the horse and the nigger shall be broken. That is breaking them from one form of mantal life to another, KEEP THE BODY, TAKE THE MIND. In other words take the will to resist"
- Willie Lynch
Flash Mar
Your vote doesn't fucking matter