Saturday, January 23, 2010

Norman Rockwell : Painter

Norman Perceval Rockwell was born on February 3, 1894, in New York City. His portrayal of American lifestyle brought him fame and fortune and notoriety. Some consider him to be the greatest American artist ever and he has the artwork portfolio to back up the consideration. But to me heand his painting were a guaranteed laugh at the breakfast table, when everything else around me was changing and everyone was inconsistent his painting could be counted on. They were always there depicting something I could relate to, whether it was "The runaway", a piece displaying a little boy with his hobo stick discussing his options with a police officer, or "No Swimming" which showed 3 boys running naked after being caught swimming in a lake they had no buisness in. Either way Mr. Rockwell and his paintings have always brought me smiles n laughter, I hope they have that effect on you as well.

"No Swimming"

"The Weigh-In"

"Before The Shot"

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